Regular BMI Calculation for Healthy Living

By | October 2, 2018

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a method of calculating the ratio of body fat to the height of the body. Invented by Lambert Jacques Quarelet in the nineteenth century, the BMI has been accepted globally as a reliable method of calculating the fat content of the body and detecting the potential health risks. BMI is generally treated as a basic measure to test a person’s health. Based on the results of this, further health check-ups are suggested by the doctors to detect specific health conditions. BMI calculator calculates the height and weight of a person and projects it on a graph. Then it classifies the result and puts it under categories ranging from starvation to extremely obese.

The BMI calculator, however, does not show the actual fat in the body. It just provides the basic indication to the doctors to identify if the person is healthy or needs further medical attention. Based on the score, the doctor prescribes further tests if any anomalies are indicated. 

To calculate BMI, divide your weight in pounds by your height in square inches. Multiply the result by a conversion factor of 703. You will obtain a two-digit number. In this result, below 19.5 is considered to be underweight. From 19.5 to 24.9 is considered to be normal, 25 to 29.9 is overweight and 30 or above is obese. However, it must be kept in mind that men have more muscles whereas women have more fat in their body. Besides, muscles are heavier than fat. Hence, women also have a separate BMI calculator for more accurate results. BMI is a basic measure of a person’s health. Doing it on regular intervals can help you to maintain right weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. It can also help you to design the ideal diet plan for yourself. 

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Even doctors suggest that you must always consider your BMI while formulating your diet plan or starting on a diet and exercise regime. Based on your BMI results, you may need a different regime than others. It is suggested that you get your BMI measured at least once in a year to ensure that you are leading a healthy lifestyle.

Regular check-up can help in determining any health risk at an early stage and may avert a major danger. Obesity-related diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and some cancers are grave and life threatening. Early detection can ensure that they do not become critical and are treated in time. 

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