Tag Archives: Diet

High Sodium Diet Linked to AFib

You probably do your best to avoid or minimize salty junk food like French fries and potato chips. And maybe you’re cautious about adding table salt to your foods and try to limit your salt use when cooking. But in our world where restaurant meals and packaged foods are often very high in sodium, it… Read More »

What is the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) diet?

IIFYM stands for “if it fits your macros,”. This dieting technique involves counting the number of macronutrients, rather than calories, that a person is consuming. Unlike diets that involve food restriction, proponents describe IIFYM as a flexible diet that can help people lose weight without drastically changing their eating habits. Little research has investigated the… Read More »

Breaking your diet during the holidays? Don't worry, says MSU nutritionist – City Pulse

Has the season left you worried about packing on a few unwanted pounds, or slipping on your diet? Anne Buffington, Michigan State University nutrition programs coordinator, says a strict diet-reliant mentality is counterproductive. “Health messages that promote the diet mentality and pressure to lose weight during the holidays can lead to negative feelings of guilt… Read More »